Tuesday, April 15, 2008

hello blogpsot!

well after two weeks of getting frustrated and waiting and getting frustrated some more with my wordpress blog and the ability (or lack of) to upload pictures has brought me to my new home here in the world of blogspot. :)

what i had been wanting to post about on wordpress was about my amazing weekend leading worship with a sweet band for some AMAZING middle schoolers. i think i'll just share a few pictures (because I can- poo on you, wordpress!).

I spent the weekend at North Bay with my old Cru band from college plus a few extras from home. :) This is a picture of the beautiful bay from the dock at North Bay. :)

My beautiful friends! Sarah and Drea - two of my favorites to sing with. :)

Ben is one of the best guitarist I know and it was AMAZING to play with him.

Alan, such a great worship leader and friend :) Sarah- a beautiful singer with a beautiful heart

Alan and Dan during practice.

Besides being able to lead worship with incredible people, we got to hang out with some incredible middle schoolers. The best part of the weekend for me was seeing one of the sixth graders from my class there.... and seeing her (and all the other kids enjoying a shaving cream battle. Yes, a shaving cream battle. Enjoy a few of those shots:

The before....
The during...
And the Aftermath! :)

What a great weekend. :)