Monday, September 15, 2008

Ohhh blog...

Well, I always have good intentions on keeping this up, but alas the last few weeks of school have sucked my time.

But here I am!!! :) I really want to be better at this... I'll keep trying!

Anyway, here's a life update:

1. School is re-taking its place as my significant other
2. I'm having a great time with my students
3. I'm building deeper relationships with my teacher friends from school :)
4. Ra is in my Bible study (PRAISE THE LORD!!!!)
5. I am still waiting to move with Em and Ra... they just need jobs (pray, pray, pray!)
6. Band is going well... exciting things are in our future ;)
7. I will be co-directing the spring musical - Into the Woods
8. I am looking forward to October - 4 concerts in 4 weeks :)
9. Still trying to wrap up some new songs
10. I am still terrible at grading papers (hahaha)

Although the pace of life has been steadily growing since the end of summer, I feel that overall, I am keeping up with the pace better than ever (for now!). The other really incredible thing that has been happening has been my seminar class. This is an extra class that we teach for an hour most days. This is a course based off of curriculum objectives that support the MSA (the bane of our existence) but it can be on any topic of the teacher's choice. I chose to do a unit on Mystery, Suspense, and Forensic science. It is going so well! Last week I taught my kids how to make fingerprints - this week they will have to take what they learned to solve a real "crime" in our classroom. We are having a great time! And they are learning at the same time (soooo sneaky of me!)

Well... off to make sure I'm ready for tomorrow! :)


amy@flexibledreams said...

YAY! I love to read your posts.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Meghan!! I miss you. I am so glad to hear about how much fun you're having... your students are so lucky!!

Love you beautiful girl!!

em- for some reason it won't let me sign in...

Randy and Terry said...

Goody!! You're back! Thanks for the update. And, have I told you how lucky those kids are to have you for a teacher? Well, they are!!

Anonymous said...


Hey there, I found your blog when I was peaking at Britteny's facebook page. She doesn't let me look at myspace though. Oh well, anyway I'm glad I found it.

I feel like I know you more now than ever, Keep writing, I especially like hearing about your class and if my life was even a smidge as exciting as yours I would consider writing one too. But who wants to hear from a 40something old lady.

Take care and keep writing

Aunt Linda